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Time for excessive exercise

I’ve tested my Achilles tendon, and it seems to be back.

Some ground cover was on spongy forest terrain and getting through an alpine wetland/tussock field. That’s all doing those muscles a power of good.

I’ve had three windy nights in my car camping tent that provides robust two-person accommodation so I can spread out. On the other hand, my solo tent has had the broken pole repaired, and I think quite a few nights will be spent in it this summer.

My main objective for the next month or two is to feel comfortable with my restored tendon.

Something has changed, however.

More care will be required to avoid slipping or jumping and the excessive strain that ensues. Part of that will be track choice and not straining it too much.

I’ll be concentrating on Central Otago due to the muchly unexplored nature of the area, the ability to walk on four-wheel-drive tracks, and the high probability of decent summer weather.

That’s the plan.

All I need to do now is to sort out all my gear, tidy the garden and house, and cross out a few items on my to-do list.

I’m heading out this week. Get some of the more popular objectives achieved before the tourist onslaught arrives after Christmas.

author | GJ Coop | posted | 30 November 2024
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