zzOz is up, I'm an author
Yup, zzOz is up, I’m an author, even if no one has actually paid for my work yet.
Nothing like publishing two, yes, exactly two, full length books on the same day.
I never envisaged that it would take three weeks to edit this second e-book, zzOz. It was completely written, as in words to choose from, but I went back to square one, looking at the blogs once again, from scratch, and found a whole lot more worthy enough to bung in. Over the course the text expanded from 55,000 words to more than 90K, ie, that’s proper book length, around 300 pages if I could be bothered to bundle it into a paperback. Yeah, the editing meant that I added some substantial linking passages and embellished the story in a few places.
Of course there was eliminating the unnecessary, if in doubt, chop it out, checking for typos and spelling, formatting, converting to XHTML. Then convert from .epub format to .mobi as used on Amazon.
The auto convert option offered by Amazon managed to strip most formatting and render my thing of beauty, comparatively, to looking like it was straight from Microsoft Word 1983 version, ie, you are unable to actually choose a font, heading style, etc. I’ve got the .epub version for my own personal reading, but for some reason I’ve given Amazon exclusive rights for three months.
It’s amazing how much you can find to say about a trip investigating a whole lot of not much.
For those interested, and that should be everyone, my author page at Amazon is here and it lists the two magnificent books: heading west and zzOz.