April blues
One of the reasons I truncated my time in the hills prior to Easter was, in fact, Easter.
This extended weekend generally encourages enthusiasts to don packs for the last time for the summer.
Not that I’m antisocial.
A bad weather forecast for a few days was further discouragement.
Okay, my body was somewhat wrecked, and some time at home to write up some tramping blogs, and some blogs here at bluelake seems sensible. And finishing off painting the ceiling of my living room. And my tax return. Printing some prints.
Plenty of projects to complete.
The recent weather has occasionally been superb, and there is probably another month until the end of May when I can continue my exploration of the South Island backcountry before much in the way of snow.
My thoughts are to investigate some West Coast valleys this time around. About time I ventured over the Southern Alps once again.
This time I might try some less gnarly rivers.
Will I ever learn?