Yeah, Quora again
Quora has been a major part of my creative writing experience in recent years.
But the website is changing, and not for the better. This is has been a common refrain over the last six years, but I’m less encouraged to spend too much time on it now.
I had found it worthwhile to concentrate for 20 minutes and crank out an answer while I drink a coffee in the morning, but I’m gonna spend my mental energy on my own websites for a while.
Strangely, recently I’ve had a few random answers go viral.
One has gone through the 260 K views mark, and is still racking them up.
Two from earlier this year are continuing to do well.
One has had almost 150 K views and almost 5000 upvotes.
Another is not far behind.
Bizarrely, this feels quite unsatisfying. Mainly because more worthy, useful, and personal answers do not acquire anywhere near the readership.
I’ll still write. Actually, I have 20 unpublished answers ready to go. I’ll try to get rid of a few.
But if not so many people are going to read what I write, it might as well be on my own real estate.
This site, bluelake, shouldn’t be allowed to languish.